Add filters

Filters help focus only on relevant data. A subset of data is automatically created based on your exclusions or inclusions.

Depending on your needs, filters can include the following condition types:

  • Condition – One-line simple condition record. For example, you want to see all records for a specific year only.

  • Group – Multiple conditions related through an OR or AND operator. All the conditions in a group are evaluated before all the other conditions outside the group.

    For example, the following filter is made of two groups, each containing two conditions.

    • Rows with all the transactions after February 1st, 2014, where the cost of manufacturing was greater than a specific value
    • Rows with all the transactions before February 1st, 2014, where the cost of manufacturing was less than other specific value

The following operators are available depending on the data type:

If your dataset contains user information, you can add user macros in filters. For details, see Functions & macros.

  1. To add a filter to the data in a visualization, open its widget settings.

    To add a filter to the Filter or Highlighter widget, open it for editing (in the Filters or Highlighters pane).

  2. Next to the dataset, click filters.

    The Filters dialog appears.

  3. Depending on your needs, click one of the following:

  4. Add other conditions or groups of conditions.

    If you have several conditions or groups, check that all the And or Or operators are selected as needed.

  5. (Optional) To view the filters using the SQL syntax, click View SQL. Click Close to go back to filters conditions view.

  6. Click Apply.

    (Visualization) The filter is applied to the data shown in this visualization.

    (Filter and Highlighter) The filter is applied to the list of values for highlighting or filtering.

    A filter icon becomes blue after you define a filter.

    To delete a filter, you need to edit it and delete all its conditions.

    Important: Deletion is performed without confirmation and cannot be undone.