Color picker

Use the color picker to set the color for the backgrounds, borders, fonts, and other visual elements. To set a color, manipulate the color tools or enter the color code. When changing the color by using the color tools, the numerical color values are adjusted accordingly. The options available in the color picker depend on the element that is being modified.

Item Use this item to

Preview area

Preview the selected color. Point to the square to view the HEX color code.

Color code

View or enter the color code (RGBA or HEX). For example, rgba(198, 218, 218, 0.78) or #c6dada.
If the opacity is set at 100%, then the HEX color code is displayed instead of RGBA.

Color area

Select a color shade.

Hue slider

Select a hue in the color spectrum.

Opacity slider

Set the opacity (transparency) level.


Save the selected color.