Add calculations

This topic describes how to add a calculation by typing it or by using a predefined function. For details about how to use a script, see Add script calculations.

  1. Depending on the page, do one of the following:

    • On Step 2 – Refine, select a data source, and then click Calculations.

    • On Step 3 – Join and preview, next to the data source name, click  More options and then Calculations.

    The Calculations dialog appears.

  2. In the Calculation name field, type a name for the calculation.
  3. Select whether the new calculation is a date, datetime, time, dimension, geo dimension, measure, or aggregated measure where you aggregate the data directly in the calculation).

  4. In the Type calculation field, add the calculation using the following options:

    • To add a column from the dataset, drag the column from the Dimensions or Measures sections.

    • To add a function, drag it from the functions list. Then, write the function's expression between parentheses.

      To view details about a function, click it in the functions list. The function syntax and description appear below the functions list. See also Functions & macros.

  5. Click Save.

    The calculation column is added to the dataset.