Configure LDAP/AD as an authentication provider

In Access Manager, you can configure LDAP/AD to be an authenticator for users in the Platform.

  1. On the left sidebar, click Authentication Providers.
  2. In the dropdown list, select ldap as the provider type.

    The LDAP configuration page opens.

  3. Specify the settings as appropriate. Use the following tables to get details on the settings and recommended input for the Platform.

  4. Click Save.

  5. If the provider is successfully created, click the Synchronize all users button that appears to the right.

    Wait for the confirmation message to verify that all the needed users are imported.

  6. You can map LDAP user attributes into the Platform common user model. By default, the system maps username, email, first name, and last name, but you can configure additional mappings. If you need to configure the mappers, go to the Mapper tab of this configuration page. For details, see Configure LDAP mappers.

  7. View the imported users on the Users page.